Here are Agency Analytics Project Description

Agency Analytics

Agency Analytics is a company that believes in reports that are completely automated. The reports also have built in custom dashboards that help users save a lot of time. The website has also got multiple apps like Amazon, Bing Webmaster, etc. that are integrated into the reports in order to increase accessibility for the users.

The website also has an inbuilt chatbot that helps new users familiarize themselves with the company and their goals along with being able to see how their marketing reports will look. The reporting is completely white label as well, which means that the user can customize the reports according to their taste and preferences. The user can create their own logo, change the colours and even use their own websites to host the reports.

Their project in collaboration with Elysian Digital Services has been focused on high quality guest posting services and long form blogs. This service was provided following rigorous keyword and competition analysis to ensure the brand gets the right advantage to stand out in front of the users. The mix of Agency Analytics’ expertise in the marketing space coupled with Elysian’s well known guest posting, SEO and link building services have proved highly fruitful for both companies.

So the collaboration has helped to increase the amount of growth in the marketing sector for Agency Analytics, both revenue and otherwise. It has also helped more potential clients find the right analytics tool with Agency Analytics.